After the Results of JEE (Main) Examination Declared, Top 1,50,000 candidates qualified in Paper - I (including all the categories) are eligible to register for JEE (Advanced).
To write JEE (Advanced) - all eligible candidates should register through online at during May of each year.
After online registration, candidates must pay the examination fee as applicable through challan (generated during registration process) of all SBI branches having core banking solution (CBS) on or before May month of each year.
The examination fee for GE and OBC(NCL)
male candidates is Rs.1800/-. The fee for SC,
ST, PD male candidates is Rs. 900/-. here is
no fee for female candidates of all categories.
Registration is complete only after the
Note:-While registering for JEE (Advanced) - ,
candidate need to provide following
1. Attempt(s) at JEE
2. Choices of Examination Cities/Towns Entitlement for DS category