Flair of teaching and good knowledge of economic concept is needed to choose teaching profession in economics.
The desires to become economics teacher should have knowledge of economic principals and its methods that they can disseminate in a clear way to the students for having better understanding about economics discipline.
Economics knowledge adds value to democracy and good citizenship. Candidates get the opportunity to learn about various economic issues faced by the nation. The major contribution of economic teacher is to train students in array of economic and financial subjects, such as markets, supply, demand, profit and competition.
Candidates must hold a bachelor's degree with economics major and complete B. Ed to become an economics teacher. Graduate degree in economics is required for teaching economics at the middle and secondary school levels, although some schools or states may prefer a master's degree. Candidates who are desirous to become a lecturer must qualify National Eligibility Test (NET).
Main job responsibility of economic teacher is to gather course materials, organize instruction and generate assessment tools such as tests or research assignments to meet the learning objectives. Teachers have to deliver lectures on a daily basis. They are also required to get feedback about the student's progress towards desired learning in some specialization within the field of economics.
Economics teachers are required to possess a thorough knowledge of their subject, good analytical skills and able to communicate them effectively. They must be able to respond to student inquiries in an appropriate way. Economics teachers must also work with administration and other faculty to meet the curriculum requirements of their institute.