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Creative Writer as a Career

Creative WriterThere is a huge demand of creative writer at global level. To become a creative writer, candidate must have numerous skills such as it requires plenty of imagination, observation and the innate ability to create pictures of natural world. All works of fiction, poetry, drama and the like are combination of these entire characteristics.

Candidates have to complete creative writing course successfully. This course allow candidates to know when to use a liberal sprinkling of words and when to use imagination power in order to make writing piece of art an enjoyable experience for readers and for them also. Although most of the students who have had a formal education can write an on subject but a course in creative writing will train the unorganized writer in professional manner and helps writer to create excellent piece of writing.

Basic Qualifications: A candidate who opt writing profession, must have passed the Higher Secondary or 10+2 examination with humanities or arts as the main discipline to apply for a bachelor's degree course in creative writing. To go for higher studies such as Masters Degree in creative writing, candidate must be a graduate in English, Comparitive Literature and allied subjects. A creative writer must have the elegance and the style for writing. He must also be practical and have an ability resolve problems. To get success in creative writing field, candidate must be properly trained and have appropriate skill sets that can persuade to readers and fans across the world with his writing agility and thoughts. A writer, who is innovative, can write different types of poetries, fiction, non-fiction drama, novels, essays and short stories. He can also write features and columns for newspapers, magazines and journals. A good and popular creative writer is very helpful for the society, the country to which he belongs and finally to the entire world. Creative writer form interesting images1 and created characters in novel which can influence thinking of reader. Basically, creative writers concentrate on the construction of poetry and prose. They read and evaluate the work of established writers and write unique creative work.

Writing institutes

1) Documentation Research and Training Center (DRTC) Bangalore Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile Mysore Road, RVCE Post, Bangalore 560 059, Ph: +91 (80) 848 3002-6, Fax : +91 (80) 848 4265 Website : www.drtc.isibang.ac.in Courses : Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (ADIS)

2) Department of English, Stella Maris College, Stella Maris College, 17, Cathedral Road, Chennai - 600 086, India, Ph: +91-44-2811 1987/2811 1951 Website : www.stellamariscollege.org Courses : Inter-disciplinary Electives common to all PG students

3) University of Calicut, university of calicut, calicut university p.o., kerala, india. pin 673 635, Ph: +91 494 2401144 - 48, 50-52 , 2401665 72. Fax : +91 494-2400269 Website : www.universityofcalicut.info Courses : Mass communication and Journalism The University of Calicut also offers an optional paper in Technical writing in their Mass Communication Course.

4) TechnoPoint, Bangalore, 1657, 1st Floor, 10th Main, Jeevanbhima nagar Main Road, HAL IIIrd Stage, Bangalore-75, Ph: 080-25288086, 98453-16974. Many foreign universities offer technical writing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Technical writing.

5) Colorado State University, Journalism & Technical Communication,Center for Research on Writing & Communication Technologies, C-225 Clark Bldg. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1785. Phone : 970-491-5674 Fax : 970-491-2908 Website : www.colostate.edu/Depts/TJ/ms/mstc.html Courses : MS In Technical Communication

6) MA Creative Writing Admissions, Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond Street West, Off Oxford Road Manchester, M15 6LL. Ph: +44 (0)161 247 6743 Fax: +44 (0)161 247 6345 E-mail: english-hums@mmu.ac.uk

7) International Summer Courses, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Edinburgh, Creative writing: consists of 3-week long units. University of Edinburgh, 11 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9LW

8) Performance writing, and creating writing. Dept of Continuing Education Lonsdale College, Lancaster University LA1 4YN. Ph: 01524 592623

9) Correspondence courses with an individual and personal approach - Options in Writing for Children. 22 Upbrook Mews, London. Ph: 020 7706 3790

10) The Institute of Creative Writing, Overbrook Business Centre, Poolbridge Road Blackford, Wedmore, BS28 4PA, UK. Ph: 0800 781 1715, Fax: 01934 713492

11) Aquinas Institute, 1127 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14613, 585-254-2020 x3052 jshook@aquinasinstitute.com

12) Likhaan: The U.P. Institute of Creative Writing, 2nd Floor, Faculty Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Telefax: (632) 922-1830

Various courses of creative Writing provide candidates to the opportunity to know their hidden talent, their own creative potential, and specialize in prose fiction, poetry, scriptwriting, creative non-fiction and life writing. Students will also have opportunities to critically test the creative potential and the influence of contemporary theoretical and philosophical schools of thought on all forms of writing. There are numerous jobs for writer. Writer can work online or they can take assignment on contract basis. Some companies hire writers on regular basis. For good results, profit, writers have to work very hard at initial period their career. Once they gain popularity, they can make huge amount of money. The only thing is required that is passion for writing.