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Chef Career Courses

Chef Career The occupation of a chef is not a traditional. Candidate has to make up his mind for hard work. He must be aware of food habits that are culturally determined. He should be adjustable to the varying social order and food habits of people.

A degree or a diploma certificate in Hotel Management and Catering Technology is necessary to start a career of chef. There are three areas of specialization in chef training courses. These are- Cold kitchen, Hot kitchen and Bakery & Confectionery. Student must choose carefully because if he will not perform his task well, he may not get success. Great interest and enthusiasm is essential for this job. In training period, student must work with dedication, concentrate well and learn as much as possible because if he learns in depth, it will prove to be of great help in his career. One more quality is needed to become chef. Candidate must be well organized and tough in with advanced technology.

Institutes offer Chef Courses

  1. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Goa.
  2. The Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, New Delhi.
  3. The Government Institutes of Hotel Management and Catering at Dehradun and Almora offer a 3 - year diploma course.
  4. The Indian Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad also offers a 2 - year diploma in Culinary Arts and Kitchen Administration.
  5. The Welcome Group Graduate School of Hotel Administration, in Manipal, Karnataka, offers a 4 - year degree programme.
  6. The Oriental School of Hotel Management conducts entrance tests for 3 - years diploma course, which are held at Mumbai, Delhi and Vadodara.

After completing training courses, chef can find jobs in hotels/restaurants, air catering, food processing companies, catering in confectioneries, cruise liner, corporate catering, etc. The salary may differ from place to place but the differences are not too many. At the starting, chef can earn Rs.1,000 - 2,000 per month. Earnings may increase if performance is good and candidate gain lots of experience through clients, latest developments. The post of Executive chef is the top most and reaching at this stage, he can earn approximately Rs. 1 lakh - 2 lakh per month