The selection to the posts through Reserve Bank Officers Examination is done through Written Examinations followed by Interview.
Written exam will be held in two phases as under:
This Paper is of 3 hours duration for 200 marks.
The Paper comprises of four sections:Candidates have to secure minimum marks separately for each test as prescribed by the Board.
The Phase II Examination will be conducted only for those candidates who are successful in Phase I (Objective Type Test). The date and time-table will be intimated to the candidates concerned. The Examination will consist of three Descriptive Type papers -
Paper I - English
Paper II - Economic and Social Issues and
Paper III - Finance and Management.
Each of these papers is of 3 hours duration carrying 100 marks.
Phase I (except the test of English) and Papers II and III of Phase II will be set bilingually in Hindi and English. Phase I is Objective Type and only marking the correct choice is required. However, Papers II and III of Phase II can be answered either in Hindi or English at the candidate's option.
A candidate has to qualify in each of the Descriptive Papers separately. Candidates will be short-listed for interview based on the aggregate marks obtained only in Phase II - Papers I, II and III. The minimum cut off marks for being short-listed will be decided by the Board in relation to the number of vacancies. Candidates may answer the Interview either in Hindi or English at their option. Final selection will be based on the performance of the candidate in Phase II of the written exam and Interview.
Candidates belonging to General Category, who had already appeared four times for Written Exam for post in the past, are not eligible to apply. No such restriction to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH.
More details:Click here