Self Assessment enables students to prepare study material in appropriate way. It is a technique to judge the level of preparation based on precise criteria to perform better.
Self assessment is nothing but to take mock tests to assess the score and measure the level of preparation. It is basically check score on a multiple-choice test and grade themselves.
Self monitoring is important to know the area of weakness and strength and make preparations accordingly to improve the score. Another criterion of self evaluation is self-judgment that involves identifying progress toward targeted performance. Self-assessment usually occurs when students review their own work to enhance their grades as they recognize discrepancies between current and desired performance.
Students must make assessment of what they study, how they are preparing and managing time. Through self assessment, candidates become aware of their strengths and weaknesses, skills and abilities, interests, values, goals, and aspirations.
Before appearing for competitive examination, candidates must take mock tests and evaluate where they stand. In this way, they can know whether they can crack the exam or not. If they fail in their evaluation they must improve their study habits to obtain good results.
Self-assessment boost self confidence of candidates appearing in competitive exam. It assists to recognize their preparation. Candidates get an idea that in which areas they are strong and in which areas they have to work hard. This awareness makes candidate to focus more on weaker section and do more practice to improve their performance.
Self-assessment helps candidates to keep track of the skills that are needed to tackle the exams. It enables students to answer the questions in a quicker way.
Self-assessment is a vital in preparing for competitive examination and students should judge their performance through self assessment regularly.
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